Red Lodge Emergency Repairs
Wilson & Company worked with the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) to repair highway facilities affected by the June 2022 Rock Creek flooding. Damaged sites in Red Lodge, MT, Absarokee, MT, and on US-212’s Beartooth Highway undergo environmental tasks such as document preparation, specialist studies, surveys, permitting for in-water work, and coordination with regulatory agencies (USFWS, USACE, MFWP, and state floodplain regulators).
Biological tasks vary across locations and phases, involving field surveys for threatened or endangered species like whitebark pine, Canada lynx, grizzly bear, and Monarch butterfly. Collected data is compiled into a biological resource report for each site and submitted to MDT for review. Wetland delineation investigations determine potential impacts on project areas with wetlands. The project addresses the repair of bridges and retaining walls damaged by the 2022 flooding. Waterways under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) necessitated coordination with state agencies, including the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP), Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and county floodplain regulators. Coordination involves explaining the work, stream impacts, and proposed mitigation measures in permit applications submitted to these agencies. The comprehensive effort reflects the commitment to environmental conservation and regulatory compliance in the restoration process.